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Monday 30 September 2013

Iced Cold Beer,What's your type?- Part III

Hello everyone! Today’s Monday blues are hitting me strong. I need something stronger to wash away my dull mood of the day. So, let me share with you guys on choices of beers that are exclusively for Beer Enthusiast or also known as Beer Purist.

The first Beer of the day is BrewDog Punk IPA (Scotland) with the ABV of 5.6%. This is a type of American India Pale Ale (IPA), initially brewed for colonial trade, and is developed in England around 1840. It’s believed to contain extra hops to prevent spoilage on its tedious journey to India. The American IPA is slightly different, boasting a stronger bitterness and balanced malty backbone.How does it taste like? Well the light gold pour reveals a serious bouquet of tropical fruitiness that indicates grapefruit and passion fruit. But just when you thought it’s getting a little too citrusy, the taste ends with faint hop bitterness. There’s a rush of cool, crackery malt on the drink down. 

Second beer of the day is Suntory (Japan) with the ABV of 5.5%. The style of the drink is German Pilsner where its light straw and golden in color, unleashing a spicier and more herbal aroma compare to its pale lager counterparts. How does it taste? Well, it tasted tangy in the beginning but followed by a nice full-bodied flavor. The finish is tad bit dry, sharp and bitter but the aftertaste is quite nice. In general, the fizziness is smooth just like what you’d hoped from a premium Japanese lager. Essentially, it owns small bubble carbonation which provides the beer a creamy texture.

Rogue Dead Guy Ale (United States) with the ABV of 6.6%. The style of this beer is Dead Guy Ale in which is German-style Maibock ale using Rogue’s proprietary Pacman ale yeast and a label that was initially designed for Oregon’s Mayan Day of the Dead celebrations in the ’90s. How does it taste? The brew comes as a deep amber-honey hue with a frothy pale white head. It offers a faint candy-like flavor with malt and caramel accents, characteristics that deliberate to an earthy and hoppy sweetness on the palate. The finish is tender, balanced and crisp with lasting bitterness.

Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale (Japan) with the ABV of 7% and in a style of Traditional Ale A category that classifies the antique style of brewing ale. Some of the ales are unhopped but the strength can vary.
Tasting notes: Brewed with special red rice, this beer is a beautiful deep pink with more than a hint of saké about it. Concentrate and you’ll get notes of strawberry and soft summer fruits, with a backing of spices and pine. It’s quite a complex brew, and definitely not one to chug down in one shot – the longer you linger over this beer, the more flavours develop. Towards the end we were picking up lime and liquorice and a whole lot of malt.

Friday 27 September 2013

Iced Cold Beer,What's your type?- Part II

Hello my dear awesome people, today I am back again to share with you guys on choices of beers for those who call themselves casual beer drinkers. Are you one of those people who take beer just for casual purposes, this post is just for you!

One of the beers that you can try is Paulaner Hefe-Weiβbier Naturtrüb (Germany) with the ABV of 5.5%. This is a type of wheat beer, brewed with huge proportion of wheat in adding to malted barley. Also usually known as white beer, naturally lighter than dark beer, and generally goes well with most food. Once you take your first sip, you will be instantly drawn to its faint orange hue that keeps a steady cloudiness just like the rest of wheat beers. Paulaner drinks complimented with spikes of banana, wheat and clove fragrance. It is also very creamy, however not heavy.

Kirin Ichiban (Japan) with the ABV of 5% is another type of beer that you can give it a shot. It’s American Pale Lager, also known as ‘all-malt’, owns a bigger depth of malt flavor and bitterness. It tastes smooth, clean and crisp. Taste a little sweet malt on the beginning, zippy in the middle, and a good balance of hops when you finish.

Grimbergen Double-Ambrée (Belgium) with the ABV of 6.5% is also a very good choice for occasional beer drinkers. The style of this beer is Belgian-style dubbel ale, which went through two fermentations, outdoes the traditional beers originally created by Trappist or monastery breweries in the 1850s. How does it taste you ask? The beer displays a dark reddish brown with a foamy, off-white head. The smooth toasted malt flavor soon replaced with hints of raisins, toffee and dry fruit, which suggest the dominant sweet and fruity flavor of ales. It continues to taste sweet till the end, and then delivers a faint flavor of spice and earthiness.

Last but not least, casual beer drinkers can also try Little Creatures Pale Ale (Australia) with the ABV of 5.2%. Originated from the British, the style has a equal share of malt and hops. The bitterness can vary from floral to pungent. The American Pale Ale is lighter in colour compare to English Pale Ale, as distinguished by the use of American hops. The taste is refreshing and suggestive of grape, a very good alternative for our hot days. But it’s the beer’s unique lychee note that stands out the most– honeyed fruit blends nicely with malt to make this one of our favourite beers. 

Quite a number of choices eh? Have you found what you like yet? Nope? No worries, next week I will be posting on choices of beers for beer purist, who knows? You might find what you like over there. Till then, have a good weekend, bye-bye!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Iced Cold Beer - What's your type?

Some claims that there’s nothing as good as a nice hot shower and a good meal, followed by the sound of TV at the end of the day. But some may feel that, an iced cold beer after a hard day at work would do a much better work. There are many types of people who enjoy their leisure times in their very own way, but today we will be focusing on a topic that a beer enthusiast would love. Today, we will be talking about Beer, and this topic will continue for the next two days as well. So, either you are a Beer lover or not much of a fan, this article will serve you equally. Shall we start then? Here we go!

People who are not much of a fan of beers, but willing to try, well you can start with this Estrella Damm (Spain)- ABV: 4.6%. Euro Pilsner: Pilsner is a type of pale lager, and the name has been derived from the city of Pilsen in Czech Republic. This might be the youngest beer style in the world; Pilsner produces a pure, pale brew. It has little kick that somehow will reduce rapidly with high carbonation that kicks in later. There’s only a small hint of malt, making it a light drink that are not too overwhelming. You can throw a party with this and still attend a job interview tomorrow.

Another type of beer for the people for is not a big fan is, Taiwan Mango Beer with only 2.8% of ABV. It is a beer brewed with fruit adjunct (cherry, raspberry and peach are common) or flavoring. Of course, this is a very simple beer, and tastes exactly like mango. Also, you can taste a faint hint of caramel, as well as tiny hint of bitterness if concentrate in your drinking. Otherwise, this is just a sweet, frothy, fruit pour. Beer enthusiast would not be interested at this, but shandy drinkers would definitely love it!  

You can also go ahead and try Anderson Valley Summer Solstice Seasonal Ale (United States) with the ABV of 5%.The style of this beer is cream ale, and originated from the American light lager style, cream ales are sometimes finished with lager yeast or lager beer mixed in. The Summer Solstice attracts instant lovers or haters almost immediately. However this can be a great start for beer novices. All the flavours are very light; subtle hints of burnt sugar and apples make this a very cool, refreshing summer drink. 

Last but not least, you can also try Timmermans Framboise Lambic (Belgium) with ABV of 4%. This fruit lambic, which is made using the spontaneous fermentation method, has added natural raspberry flavouring. The colour of ripe raspberries; this reddish pink brew has a thin, beige head with light. The nose is dominated by a syrupy mix of cherry, raspberry and berry jam that verges on artificial. This is also a great try that you can try as well!   

So, tomorrow we will be seeing beers that are suitable for moderate beer drinkers, make sure you don’t miss it! Have a good evening guys! 

Wednesday 25 September 2013


When durian season is just around the corner, it’s easy to spot durian lovers stopping by the roadsides and enjoying their share for durians. There are only 2 types of people in durian terms. It’s either you love it or despise it. I am a fan, but my boyfriend is not. That’s cool, you know why? Because there will be MORE FOR ME! So, today I’m going to share with you on the right ways to buy the right kind of durians, and not the wrong kinds. So, if you are a noob just like me in selecting durians, you should really check this out!

STEP 1:  Check the weight
  •        Make sure that the durian that you choose the light ones, not the heavy ones. Because the light ones indicates ripe durians. So avoid heavy durians peeps!

STEP 2: Listen to the sound
  •         Give the durian a nice shake and listen to the sound wait for “hollow noise”. That’s the noise we are waiting for because they simply means they have ripe and has thick flesh of durian waiting for you to devour! Remember to wear gloves though.

STEP 3: Smell the durian
  •        A good durian has strong smell. So you know it’s good when it hits your nostrils with overpowering smell of durian!

STEP 4: What is the correct way to open a durian?
  •          To open a durian, cut along its seams. If you cannot find the seams on the durian surface cut off the tip of the durian to make the seams visible!
  •          Make a V-shaped cut on the seams to open the durian and enjoy the king of fruits!

So now you have mastered the skill of selecting a fine durian as well as opening them in the right ways. Here’s a little tips for those who are a fan of durians but easily suffer from heat after enjoying a little too much of those golden goodness. All you got to do is just add some salt and water into the empty husk of durian and drink ‘em up! The salt water can help to reduce the heat of our body. Also, the strong smell of durian sometimes sticks to your hands even after you have washed your hands. Use the water that flows through the durian husk to get rid of the smell. Enjoy devouring your share of durians people! See you soon!

Indulge in Mille Crepe today!

Anyone said desserts?

I have such a sweet tooth in fact; I am the kind of girl who would go an extra mile to satisfy my cravings for desserts such as cakes, macaroons, chocolate and many more. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there will be similar to me who willing to take extra effort to pacify their urge for dessert. Today, I am going to talk about few renowned dessert houses in Kuala Lumpur who serve the now famous dessert- Mille Crepe or also known as thousand layer cakes. Mille Crepe is loved by many, and their various flavors simply attract many youngsters such as yours truly! People are still getting used to the idea of thousands layer cake, so these sinful indulgence are gradually gaining popularity among Malaysians. Today, I will share with you on the couple of cafés that are specialized in catering Mille Crepes or also known as thousand layers cakes. Be prepared to encounter delicious and sweet mille crepes now!

My friends went to Malacca for vacation; I couldn’t join them due to some personal reasons. I felt bitter for not being able to join them and as though to adding fuel to my rage, they were posting out pictures on facebook on how much fun they were having, and that’s when I came across the famous house of mille crepe in Malacca- Nadeje. They were posting (bragging, maybe) out pictures of beautiful glorious Mille Crepes and leave me feeling all puffed up. That was the first I am seeing something so tasty and tempting at the same time, but I have no choice. I have to go to Malacca to have a slice of glorious crepe from Nadeje, and that was simply impossible. Feeling defeated, I return to my usual routine of life. One day, Nadeje announced that they are finally branching out in Petaling Jaya! Imagine how wonderful I feel! I took my chance, and went to try the famous Nadeje mille crepe as soon as I could.

Nadeje Café owns a very simple interior, with very limited seats. I was greeted with lines of yummy crepes on the counter, as though they are waiting faithfully for me. The choices were simply overwhelming, but a decision has to be taken in the end right?

Courtesy of Nadeje
After contemplating for some time, I decide to go with strawberry chocolate as well as double chocolate, because 1 slice will not do! It’s quite pricey (RM9.50/ per slice) but what the heck! I've been waiting to reward my palates with Nadeje Mille Crepe for so long, what’s a little money? Strawberry chocolate was made with fine texture, it has the right balance of sweet and sour, and not too overwhelming, so I knew the next cake will fit into my tummy just fine. My first taste of double chocolate was utterly wonderful, there’s a hint of bitterness, complimenting the sweetness very well. Every bite is a new experience, and every chew sends me right to the outer space. (Getting a little too poetic, aren’t we?) While I felt so ecstatic about the crepes, my friend was not too impressed. When asked why she is feeling so, she merely replied, “Malacca’s Nadeje was much better.” Pfft! What a kill joy.

For more details on Nadeje, visit here.

Being an avid fan of Nadeje, it’s always feel like I am betraying my first love if I was asked by someone to try mille crepes at different café. Well such day did arrive when the love of my life asked me if I would like to try mille crepes at the newly opened Humble Beginnings. I loved the sound of that name, and after saying a little apology to Nadeje, I stormed away to Humble Beginnings, to tantalize my palate with yummy crepes. 

As I arrive at the café, I had to instantly say another apology to Nadeje, because I am already in love with the interior of Humble Beginning, with warm lights shining down at the counter displaying delicious crepes, my heart leapt with joy! 

Courtesy of Wowwoo
Without further ado, I’ve placed an order of French Vanilla as well as Oreo Cookies and Cream, and waited for my cakes patiently. I took my first bite of French Vanilla and I was completely smitten with the creamy texture. What I loved most about it, was the lack of sweetness of the cake which complimented the cream very well. Oh, how wonderful. Oreo cookies and cream was also a surprise with each bite. The crunch of the biscuits goes together very, very well. There are plenty of other flavors are available, so you will be spoilt for choices!

For more details on Humble Beginnings, please visit here.

I’ve came to a conclusion, well it’s okay to love these two places, what’s wrong in indulging in both? If you want to have a better judgment, why not head over to the places and find out for yourself? I’m sure you will fall head over heels for these places and their famous crepes! Happy Indulging folks!

Monday 23 September 2013


A coffee person is naturally more interesting compare to a tea person.  

...Okay, that’s a little bias because, ehem.. Yours truly is a hard core coffee addict. Yes, I can barely concentrate if I don’t get my shot of caffeine in the morning. I would not hesitate to put my money down at the latest coffee house around my area just to try out their signature coffee. In stressful moments, I even day dream about a nice cup of coffee while I curl up with a book. *daze away* Coffee makes me a better person, so today I am about to share with you guys on hot spots of cool cafés in K.L. So if you are also a big time coffee fan, just stay tune and marvel at my choice of top cafés in hectic city Kuala Lumpur!

Courtesy of Wowwoo

The biggest strength of Plan B Roasters that located within Publika’s Ben’s Independent Grocer is the varieties of beans. Their house blend is a roasting of Indonesian, Brazilian and Ethiopian beans. The original form of this dark, pure brew is an espresso. Every sip is especially rich and with a little hint of chocolate. If you are a fan of long black, you should opt for their many single origin blends expertly pulled by their skillful baristas.

For more details on this cafe', visit here 

Courtesy of Wowwoo

The Departure Lounge is one of the primary cafés in KL which have introduce specialty coffee which is called as smooth latte, which is also a big favorite among the regulars of the café. With less complex choices of flavor, the now in-famous Five Senses beans from Western Australia are really quite good. This will lead you to keep order more cups without feeling too overwhelming. The espressos are made into the right temperature, and every sip is inviting indeed.

For more information on this cafe', visit here.

Courtesy of Wowwoo

Espressolab gets their coffee from farms around the world and roast the beans inhouse. The result is complicated at the same time, perfectly balanced notes that strays from the acidic tendencies of KL coffee houses. The latte especially is milky with full foam, but nicely well-rounded and silky in your mouth. Remember to bring along a book, and enjoy a cup of rich, excellent cuppas you’ll taste in the city.

For more details on this cafe', visit here.

Courtesy of Wowwoo

The coffee bar is a nice, decent hideout in the corporate building. The beans used at Mollydooker's Coffee Bar are alternate between single-origins from Brazil and Columbia. The Brazilian roast is a dark sinister one, suitable to be ordered in an espresso or long black. However the Columbian is fruitier with a diverse roasted aroma. Enjoy your coffee, and have a slice of chocolate chip-studded banana bread. A perfect indulgence indeed.

For more information on this cafe', visit here.

Healthy Bamboo Charcoal Bread

Bamboo charcoal bread seems to be a new phenomenon that has hit the culinary world.

Bamboo Charcoal Bread
Take a stroll through the major bakery chains at your local supermarket and you will spot these jet black breads on offer. There are people who find it to be a real turn off due to its color but they are definitely starting to get attention.

Well, black squid ink pasta didn't exactly take long to become a mainstream pasta, in spite of the pungent fishy smell.

For instance, Stacks burger in Penang uses these jet black bamboo charcoal buns for their burgers.

The benefits of bamboo charcoal are many and it is only natural that they be added to food as well. After all, we all take charcoal tablets during cases of food poisoning. Charcoal binds the toxins in our body and helps expel them from our system. Thus consuming more charcoal infused food will logically help us detox.

A piece of charcoal placed inside a refrigerator helps to eliminate odor. Place a piece of charcoal anywhere in your home and it will purify the air. And get this, it is a somewhat "intelligent" element in that, when it encounters humid air, the charcoal will absorb the moisture, thus leaving you with dry air and when it encounters dry air, the charcoal will release moisture instead.

A friend once said that guys wanting to impress their girlfriends should just buy them a piece of charcoal instead of splurging on a 5 carat diamond. This is because charcoal has the same properties as diamond - pure carbon.

I haven't heard from said friend since, so I'm not sure about that piece of advice. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Bamboo charcoal is made bamboo plants that are at least 5 years or older which are burned inside an oven at over 120°C

In order to put them into food, use a spice grinder to grind them up into fine powder before adding them into your cake or bread batter.

And don't worry, other than the color, you will not find any hint of the bamboo charcoal affecting the smell or taste of your baking.

However, it seems that other than in Asian countries, bamboo charcoal products have not really penetrated the Western market. Browsing through a few food blogs from the West, it seems that it is not easy for them to find bamboo charcoal products, much less bamboo charcoal itself in their supermarkets.

We are lucky as the trend has caught on here and most bakeries and confection shops now offer bamboo charcoal products. Let's hope they get more creative so that we can have more varieties of products made with the healthy bamboo charcoal.