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Tuesday 27 August 2013

YUM..It's Tom Yum!

Occasionally, we will have sudden craving for something spicy, something sour, and some Thailand cuisine. The moment we think about Thailand cuisine, Tom Yam will be the 1st thing that appears on our mind. Tom Yam also will be our ultimate choice whenever we are in knack of savoring something sour and spicy to keep our appetite coming. Tom Yam is a very common dish that we add in our meals occasionally, for its exotic tang that serves our taste buds.

Tom Yum Kung

Tom Yam’s origin is from Thailand, and in the origin, these soups with different serving dish has its very own terms. For an example, Tom Yam that is cooked with prawns is called Tom Yam Kung while Tom Yam Kai is for Tom Yam that is cooked with chicken. Tom Yam that is served with pieces of fish, shrimp, and squid are known as Tom Yam Thale.

Tom Yum Kai

This soup is also best served with a choice of chicken, seafood or vegetable and it works as an excellent combination of soup. Not only it will go very well with rice, but it is also excellent to be served with noodles. This is the reason are known as one of the most flexible dish ever!

The signature element of Tom Yam is the multiple flavors that are contribute by each unique ingredient in the soup, such as lemon grass, lime juice, chili peppers, and even Tom Yam milk. All these ingredients will be a perfect blend in your mouth, allowing you to distinctly recognize each and every flavor in the soup. Spicy lovers will have a soft spot for this dish, for the exotic spicy flavor that are served by the dish.

Are you craving for a nice, hot, Tom Yam soup right now? Well you can always head to the nearest restaurant to get your share of spicy & sour this very moment! 

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