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Wednesday 25 September 2013


When durian season is just around the corner, it’s easy to spot durian lovers stopping by the roadsides and enjoying their share for durians. There are only 2 types of people in durian terms. It’s either you love it or despise it. I am a fan, but my boyfriend is not. That’s cool, you know why? Because there will be MORE FOR ME! So, today I’m going to share with you on the right ways to buy the right kind of durians, and not the wrong kinds. So, if you are a noob just like me in selecting durians, you should really check this out!

STEP 1:  Check the weight
  •        Make sure that the durian that you choose the light ones, not the heavy ones. Because the light ones indicates ripe durians. So avoid heavy durians peeps!

STEP 2: Listen to the sound
  •         Give the durian a nice shake and listen to the sound wait for “hollow noise”. That’s the noise we are waiting for because they simply means they have ripe and has thick flesh of durian waiting for you to devour! Remember to wear gloves though.

STEP 3: Smell the durian
  •        A good durian has strong smell. So you know it’s good when it hits your nostrils with overpowering smell of durian!

STEP 4: What is the correct way to open a durian?
  •          To open a durian, cut along its seams. If you cannot find the seams on the durian surface cut off the tip of the durian to make the seams visible!
  •          Make a V-shaped cut on the seams to open the durian and enjoy the king of fruits!

So now you have mastered the skill of selecting a fine durian as well as opening them in the right ways. Here’s a little tips for those who are a fan of durians but easily suffer from heat after enjoying a little too much of those golden goodness. All you got to do is just add some salt and water into the empty husk of durian and drink ‘em up! The salt water can help to reduce the heat of our body. Also, the strong smell of durian sometimes sticks to your hands even after you have washed your hands. Use the water that flows through the durian husk to get rid of the smell. Enjoy devouring your share of durians people! See you soon!

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